Counter 22nd Nov. 2005
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SW-Radio Station R-S-I
Radio Spaceshuttle started it's action 11th of October 2002. First transmissions was aired on 6305 and 6275 kHz. Next day we had our first HF transmission on 15810 kHz. These transmissions were quite successful and so RSI has continued serving SW-Listeners all over world with irregular musicprogrammes on SW's.

Contact Info:
Radio Spaceshuttle International
P.O.Box 2702
6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

E-mail to RSI (Click)

  Radio Spaceshuttle International

YEAR 2023:

RSI’s short Afterburn this morning (19.8.2023)

Start 07.45 UTC on 9290 kHz.

RSI’s 21st Birthday transmission (info 18.8.2023)

Birthday Party programes will be broadcast during coming weekend starting Friday evening 18th August 2023

we are starting transmission towards Western Europe and Channel Isles 19 hours UTC. Wish there is some propagation there Thanks for reports until now dear listeners!
Transmission will be mostly on 9290 kHz. Reports welcome to our email. Wishing good conditions for propagation!
Greetings, Dick

Next transmission today 12th April 2023 on 9290 kHz 31 mb. (Wednesday 12. 4. 2023)

We shall warm our transmitter around 14 hours UTC and shall play best of Rockmusic to your ears. We are spreading good will and understanding among people to whole world.
We play the best music and share best positive News to our listeners. Please join the Channel and enjoy.

YEARS 2020, 2021 and 2022:

Very silent years 2020, 2021 and 2022 with only couple of transmissions. (2nd of February 2023)
Celebrating our 18, 19 and 20 years on air! Many thanks of all your reports to us, dear listeners.!

In future Radio Spaceshuttle shall return to airwaves ever since and then. To our lowpowered 31 and 25 mb frequencies of 9290, 9270 and 12265 kHz. Also action of 48 mb frequencies with our new a bit stronger transmitter will be tested....

YEAR 2019:

17 Years of Action Birthday Party :(Thursday 15th August 2019):
Hi, Radio Spaceshuttle has lived quite silent times during the year 2018 and beginning of 2019. Now we have had two test transmissions during last days and will run our 17th Birthday Party program today on 9290 kHz

So we try to start around 19 hours UTC (Thats 20 hours in British Isles, 21 hours in Western Europe and 22 hours in Eastern Europe).

Start will be few minutes past the hour…. You can see when we are there if any conditions excist on 31 mb.

Reports are very welcome to e-mail! Verifications will be sent during Friday 16th of August. So be quick!

Last One Night in Bankok is our motto today!

Best greetings from Radio Spaceshuttle Finland


YEAR 2018:

Actions on 2017 and new plans for autumn 2018 :(Friday 7th September 2018):
Hi, Radio Spaceshuttle has lived quite silent times during the year 2017. Anyway we have had a few very low power transmissions on 31 and 48 mb frequencies. And have also listeners on whole Europe. That was promising!

During this year we have made repairs to out big gun, and wish everything is soon ready for return of Radio Spaceshuttle Stronger Power. So wait and see. Radio Spaceshuttle might have tests during late September until November 2018. And great 16 years of Action Birthday Party on October or early November will happens! Let's tune your radios to 9290 (/9270) and 12265 kHz. Could be we're also on 48 and good 19 mb as well :)

Best greetings from Radio Spaceshuttle Finland


Old little power transmission with 15 Watts on 9290 kHz (early spring 2005)

Newer Spaceshuttle transmitters.

YEAR 2016:

Some new plans of Radio Spaceshuttle International for rest of year 2016! Follow every radionews channels frequently!!! (Monday 21/11/2016):

Please tell this message to your friends... You never know when, where and why ;) -"Radio Spaceshuttle will Return to SW-bands" That's our motto for future

Dick, Radio Spaceshuttle

YEAR 2015:

Radio Spaceshuttle's sad goodbyes for our listeners!! (Sunday 6/9/2015):
Dear listeners,
Sad news is that this Sunday's transmission is very last we shall have. So it is time to say good byes to you.

So today Sunday 6th of September 2015 19-20 UTC on 13600 kHz.

Program includes stations regards to all listeners sent reports to Herten: Country by country, every names included.

Results of January-June 2015 Contest. All six winners sent reports to Herten, 3 most reports sent as well 3 ones picked by beutiful Madame Fortune.

Listeners musical request will be ´realized to few of you! Also other musical contest is good as well, I wish.

Snailmail reports sent people are most valuable and most loved listeners here in Spaceshuttle studios. We appreciate your co-operation very high! All your reports will be verified with our printed QSLs and these will be sent now when we have more time to make letters ready for you. So I wish you all has received our letter until the end of October.

Radio Spaceshuttle has been on air a bit over 13 years now, Our first transmission tests was made with name Radio Venus International during 3oth August to 1st of September 2002. And regular transmissions since 11th of October 2002 with name Radio Spaceshuttle Int. Before these regular transmissions we had our first SW-transmissions in August 1980 when we had few musical shows transmitted.

I wish you all to have time to listen this last px in your listening Place and having fun with our last program. Your e-mail reporst of this transmission will be verified during couple of days. Reports to Herten are still very wanted. Our special printed QSL will be sent for those listeners.

Many thanks. Radio Spaceshuttle will have it's final closedown. Wish you all good time with other free broadcasters,

Dick, Radio Spaceshuttle

Please tell this message to your friends... You never know when, where and why ;) -"Radio Spaceshuttle will Return to SW-bands" That's still our motto for future

Have fun with best music on Radio Spaceshuttle's Channel! (Saturday 15/08/2015):

Dear listeners,
We proudly transmit best ever music on 13.6 MHz (13600 kHz) this Sunday 16th of August 2015 19-20 hours UTC. Please join with!

Your letters/reception reports are very welcome to our address in Herten:
Radio Spaceshuttle International
P.O.Box 2702
NL: 6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

A little fee (2 euros) for return postage (for full info printed QSLs) is needed!
Quick responce and communication is possible by e-mail:

Best Regards!,
Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle

Spaceshuttle's Sunday today! (Sunday 09/08/2015):

Dear listeners,
It's Sunday I think? time for 13600 kHz 19-20 UTC... and more fresh next week- can't wait it ;)

Your letters/reception reports are very welcome to our address in Herten:
Radio Spaceshuttle International
P.O.Box 2702
NL: 6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

A little fee (2 euros) for return postage (for full info printed QSLs) is needed!
Quick responce and communication is possible by e-mail:

Best Regards!,
Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle

Radio Spaceshuttle's MidSummerFests Weekend! (Saturday 20/06/2015):

Dear listeners,

Radio Spaceshuttle's Midsummer fests on 6070 kHz Saturday 20th June 03-05 UTC and continuing 22-24 UTC. time. We shall play traditional Finnish Midsummer music for your fun dear listeners.

Eli Juhannusmusiikkia tarjolla 4 tuntia 20.6. 6070 kHz!

We shall have transmission also on 13600 kHz 21st of June 19-20 UTC!

I wish you will have fun with our programes also in future! Please tell you thoughts to us by e-mail:

Your letters/reception reports are very welcome to our address in Herten:

Radio Spaceshuttle International
P.O.Box 2702
NL: 6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

A little fee (2 euros) for return postage (for full info printed QSLs) is needed!

Quick responce and communication is possible by e-mail:

Best Regards!,
Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle

Please note, that we have gathered all reports in here for "One-time" posting after this transmission Season January to end of June. So printed QSLs will be send after that (and e-mailQSLs as well)

Prizes for winners of our contest will be posted same time- For 3 most reports sent persons and to 3 winners picked By Madame Fortune. With prizes there are for example Radio Spaceshuttle T-Sirts, Caps, pens, stickers, magnetics, strange music-cds etc....

Radio Spaceshuttles's new time and frequency!! (Sunday 31/05/2015):

Dear listeners,

Radio Spaceshuttle's summer frequency 13600 kHz FIRST TIME IN USE today from 19 to 20 hours UTC-time sunday 31st of May.

This program including Spanich dance music extra for listeners pleasure. Also "Hobbart Radio Pirate News" with.
Really wishing that our signal can reach you without any interference or noise.

Please send ideas of programs and music you like to hear from Spaceshuttle. We would like to fullfill your requests in special musical shows in future.

I wish you will have fun with our programes also in future! Please tell you thoughts to us by e-mail:

Your letters/reception reports are very welcome to our address in Herten:

Radio Spaceshuttle International
P.O.Box 2702
NL: 6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

A little fee (2 euros) for return postage (for full info printed QSLs) is needed!

Best Regards!,
Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle

Radio Spaceshuttle's Mothers Day! (Saturday 09/05/2015):

Dear listeners,

Hi folks- We are celebrating Mothers Day with nice beutiful music Sunday 10th of May!
Hobart Radio International joining with. Program includes also wishes to few contacts and friends of ours.
Please join to our channel!

10th of May 2015 20-21 UTC on 13800 kHz

I wish you will have fun with our programes also in future! Please tell you thoughts to us by e-mail:

Your letters/reception reports are very welcome to our address in Herten:

Radio Spaceshuttle International
P.O.Box 2702
NL: 6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

A little fee (2 euros) for return postage (for full info printed QSLs) is needed!

Quick responce and communication is possible by e-mail:

Best Regards!,
Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle

Please note, that we have gathered all reports in here for "One-time" posting after this transmission Season January to end of June. So printed QSLs will be send after that (and e-mailQSLs as well)

Prizes for winners of our contest will be posted same time- For 3 most reports sent persons and to 3 winners picked By Madame Fortune. With prizes there are for example Radio Spaceshuttle T-Sirts, Caps, pens, stickers, magnetics, strange music-cds etc....

Spaceshuttle's Japan Special this weekend! (Friday 01/05/2015):

Dear listeners,

Radio Spaceshuttle's spring frequency 13800 kHz from 20 to 21 hours UTC-time sunday 3rd of May.
This transmission is specially directed to Japan listeners having long weekend for listening. Wishing you to have good signal in there. Also propagation test towards North-America and for areas around Europe and nearby.

This program including fine Finnish music for listeners pleasure. Also "Hobbart Radio Pirate News" with.
Really wishing that our signal can reach you without any interference or noise.

Please send ideas of programs and music you like to hear from Spaceshuttle. We would like to fullfill your requests in special musical shows in future.

I wish you will have fun with our programes also in future! Please tell you thoughts to us by e-mail:

Your letters/reception reports are very welcome to our address in Herten:

Radio Spaceshuttle International
The Netherlands

A little fee (2 euros) for return postage (for full info printed QSLs) is needed!
P.O.Box 2702
NL: 6049 ZG Herten

Quick responce and communication is possible by e-mail:

Best Regards!,
Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle

Spaceshuttle 11th and 12th of April 2015 transmissions! (Friday 10/04/2015):

Dear listeners,

Very early 2 hours musical morning wakeup on Saturday morning, please test conditions that time in Europe and East of it....
6070 kHz, 49mb on Saturday 11th of April 2015 03:30-05:30 UTC.

And Sunday evening WorldWide tests on higher frequencies. Check and try to catch our signal....
13800 kHz, 22mb on Sunday 12th of April 2015 18:00-19:00 UTC.

Wishing good audibility and lots of reports, thank you. Higher frequencies and hopefully free band will forward our signal very long way! Nice Saturday and Sunday music and Hobart Radio International from Tashmania with!

Radio Spaceshuttle International
P.O.Box 2702
NL: 6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

A little fee (2 euros) for return postage (for full info printed QSLs) is needed! Quick responce and communication is possible by e-mail: Best Regards!,
Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle

Spaceshuttle 11th and 12th of April 2015 transmissions! (Friday 10/04/2015):

Dear listeners,

Very early 2 hours musical morning wakeup on Saturday morning, please test conditions that time in Europe and East of it....
6070 kHz, 49mb on Saturday 11th of April 2015 03:30-05:30 UTC.

And Sunday evening WorldWide tests on higher frequencies. Check and try to catch our signal....
13800 kHz, 22mb on Sunday 12th of April 2015 18:00-19:00 UTC.

Wishing good audibility and lots of reports, thank you. Higher frequencies and hopefully free band will forward our signal very long way! Nice Saturday and Sunday music and Hobart Radio International from Tashmania with!

Radio Spaceshuttle International
P.O.Box 2702
NL: 6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

A little fee (2 euros) for return postage (for full info printed QSLs) is needed! Quick responce and communication is possible by e-mail: Best Regards!,
Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle

Spaceshuttle's Sun Riders! (Friday 20/03/2015):

Dear listeners,

Radio Spaceshuttle is fighting against sun's activity as follows:
"Oldies and very Goldies"- strangers of the night program including "Hobbart Radio Pirate News" and "Spaceflyers Letter Box" on9600 kHz, 31mb sunday 22nd of March 2015 18:00-19:00 UTC.
Really wishing that our signal can reach you throughout every interference or noise.

Please send ideas of programs and music you like to hear from Spaceshuttle. We would like to fullfill your requests in special musical shows in future.

I wish you will have fun with our programes also in future! Please tell you thoughts to us by e-mail:

During this weekend we shall send e-mail verifications to all reports came to our e-mail from transmissions made this year and reports got to our P.O.Box until this (you got first our e-mail QSL and later posted one to your mail addresses).

Your letters/reception reports are very welcome to our address in Herten:

Radio Spaceshuttle International
P.O.Box 2702
NL: 6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

A little fee (2 euros) for return postage (for full info printed QSLs) is needed!

Quick responce and communication is possible by e-mail:

Best Regards!,
Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle

Spaceshuttle transmissions this weekend! (Wednesday 04/03/2015):

Dear listeners,

Radio Spaceshuttle is transmitting during coming weekend as follows:
"Early Bird Fly"- international music magazine on 6070 kHz, 49mb saturday 7th of March 2015 04:30-06:30 UTC for our European and New Foundland ;) listeners.
"Power of Rock" on 9600 kHz, 31mb sunday 8th of March 2015 18:00-19:00 UTC using omnidirectional HQ-antenna to a bit larger listening area.

Please send ideas of programs and music you like to hear from Spaceshuttle. We would like to fullfill your requests in special musical shows in future.

I wish you will have fun with our programes also in future! Please tell you thoughts to us by e-mail:

During this weekend we shall send e-mail verifications to all reports came to our e-mail from transmissions made this year.
and reports got to our P.O.Box until this (you got first our e-mail QSL and later posted one to your mail addresses).

Your letters/reception reports are very welcome to our address in Herten:

Radio Spaceshuttle International
P.O.Box 2702
NL: 6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

A little fee (2 euros) for return postage (for full info printed QSLs) is needed!

Quick responce and communication is possible by e-mail:

Best Regards!,
Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle

Spaceshuttle with higher power to 31 mb 9600 kHz! (Tuesday 24/02/2015):

Dear listeners,

We have plan try to reach more listeners with special quite high powered and directed transmission on 9600 kHz, 31mb next sunday 1st of March 2015 18:00-19:00 UTC.
Our target is to reach areas of entire Europe, Mediterranean Sea area, Near-East, (Asia) and North-Africa. In any case it will be needed very good receivers and proper antennas for our listeners to get our signal. I wish everyhing will go right with these plans and our strange music will reach bigger areas and much bigger audience?? Let's see what's happens...

Please send ideas of programs and music you like to hear from Spaceshuttle. We would like to fullfill your requests in special musical shows in future.

I wish you will have fun with our programes also in future! Please tell you thoughts to us by e-mail:

Your letters/reception reports are very welcome to our address in Herten:

Radio Spaceshuttle International
P.O.Box 2702
NL: 6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

A little fee (2 euros) for return postage (for full info printed QSLs) is needed!

Quick responce and communication is possible By e-mail:

Best Regards!,
Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle

Spaceshuttle with higher power to 31 mb? (Wednesday 18/02/2015):

Dear listeners,

Radio Spaceshuttle has been transmitted few transmissions on 6035, 6070 and 9865 kHz lately. We more likely shall continue these transmissions ocassionally also in future, debending if we got response from our listeners.

Until now quite much e-mails has came to us and also got quite big amount of letters to our Herten Box these warm our heart especially! More is wanted!!

We have plan try to reach more listeners on special quite high powered transmissions on higher frequencies in near future (31mb?) with a bit better timing. So our target is to reach more listeners in Asian and European areas that time and perhaps in entire African area (if there is any dx-listeners?) I wish everyhing will go right with these plans and our strange music will reach bigger areas and much bigger audience?? Let's see what's happens...

Please send ideas of programs and music you like to hear from Spaceshuttle. We would like to fullfill your requests in speecial musical shows in future.

I wish you will have fun with our programes also in future! Please tell you thoughts to us by e-mail:

Your letters/reception reports are very welcome to our address in Herten:

Radio Spaceshuttle International
P.O.Box 2702
NL: 6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

A little fee (2 euros) for return postage (for full info printed QSLs) is needed!

Quick responce and communication is possible By e-mail:

Best Regards!,
Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle

Radio Spaceshuttle 14-15th February! (Monday 09/02/2015):

Dear friends,

If everything goes right, Radio Spaceshuttle might be on air next weekend on 6070 kHz Saturday 14th February 2015 14-15 UTC. And also on Sunday 15th February 08-10 UTC on 6035 and 9865kHz. Wishing that conditions will be fine and good reception all over Europe is possible!

All correct reports sent to our Herten box 2702 will be verified with our printed QSL! (+ some promotional material!)

After six month period(January-June) special big surprises 1,2 and 3 (valuable Spaceshuttle stuff) will be sent to three listeners sent THE MAXIMUM NUMBERs of correct reports [-max one report/transmission counted]. If more than three equal reporters [same amount of reports] then Madame Fortune will have her fingers in came ;)

Programs will include new music-shows of special Space-music, Extra (short) 'Listeners Corner'-px for Spaceshuttle-fans and perhaps some more....

Best regards,
Dick Spacewalker

More tests this weekend! (Friday 23/01/2015):

Dear listeners,

Radio Spaceshuttle will have new two hours transmission (test) on Sunday 25th January 2015, 13:00-15:00 UTC. We shall have simultaneous transmission on 6035 kHz 49 mb AM and 9865 kHz 31 mb AM/SSB.

Program will include:
'Spaceshuttle's Archives Wide Open' some information and historical facts of Radio Spaceshuttle's actions throughout years.
'SpaceWarrior HotMix' various good music,
'FinnPop Extra' including some famous and partly rarities

I wish you to have fun with our programes also this time! Your reports are very welcome to our address in Herten:

Radio Spaceshuttle International
P.O.Box 2702
NL: 6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

A little fee (2 euros) for return postage (for full info printed QSLs) is needed!

Quick responce and communication is possible By e-mail:

Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle

Radio Spaceshuttle 6070 kHz! (Monday 19/01/2015):

Dear friends,

Radio Spaceshuttle's first transmission on 6070 kHz is over. Conditions seemed to be a bit poor but still Spaceshuttle's voice was quite widely heard and reported. Until now 36 e-mail reports received and at least 3 blog-mentionings (and YouTube videos) found of listening Spaceshuttle.

15 of reports are from different parts of Germany, 7 from Italy, 3 from Russia, 3 from Japan (at least 2 of them by Twente-sdr-webrx) and 2 from Belgien.

Countries with one reports are: USA (via Utrecht-webrx), Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, The Netherlands (actually 4 because 3 webradio reports), France, Spain and England! Thank you all for sending messages to us. More is waited...

All correct reports sent to our Herten box 2702 will be verified with our printed QSL! (+ some promotional material!)

Next transmissions will be on 6070 kHz on Saturdays middle of each month. After six month period(January-June) special big surprises 1,2 and 3 (valuable Spaceshuttle stuff) will be sent to three listeners sent THE MAXIMUM NUMBERs of correct reports [-max one report/transmission counted]. If more than three equal reporters [same amount of reports] then Madame Fortune will have her fingers in came ;)

Untill next transmission 14th of February 2015 on 6070 kHz, 14-16 UTC.... Programe will include new music-shows of special Space-music, Extra 'Listeners Corner'-px for 6070 Spaceshuttle-fans and perhaps some more....

Best regards,
Dick Spacewalker

New Year and again something new! (Thursday 08/01/2015):

Hello friends everywhere,

The NEW return of Radio Spaceshuttle. We have found a new station witch starts to relay Radio Spaceshuttle's programes. The big day is 17th January 2015, when Spaceshuttle transmits on 6070 kHz from 14 hours UTC-time! Please visit Channel 292's web pages and their info there! CHANNEL 292, 6070 kHz!

I wish you to have fun with our programes also in future! Your reports are very welcome to our address in Herten:

Radio Spaceshuttle International
P.O.Box 2702
NL: 6049 ZG Herten
The Netherlands

A little fee (2 euros) for return postage (for full info printed QSLs) is needed!

Quick responce and communication is possible By e-mail:

Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle

YEAR 2014:

Radio Spaceshuttle's promo of 17-20th October 2014! (Thursday 09/10/2014):

Hello friends everywhere, only short info

Watch YouTube video having info of return of Radio Spaceshuttle, please!
Return of Spaceshuttle!

More info will be announced later here on this web-page!

Please follow happenings on following frequencies: 3905 [3927] and 9290 [9270].

Best greetings,
Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle

3 weeks to wait of Return of SpaceShuttle, The Radio! (Monday 29/09/2014):

Hello friends everywhere,

A month ago we announced news of return of Radio Spaceshuttle. Plans and buildingprocess has continued and we are ready to launch The Shuttle during LONG weekend 17.-20. 10. 2014. So be ready to listen AM-transmission on frequencies of 3905 kHz (alt. 3927 [3900] kHz) and 9290 kHz (alt 9270 kHz)!

More info will be announced later here on this web-page!

Recorded greetings and musicwishes are very welcome to our Birthday Party! Send them (or link to download Place) to e-mail address

Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle

Radio Spaceshuttle's RETURN! (Wednesday 27/08/2014):

Hello friends everywhere, SHOCKING NEWS

Radio Spaceshuttle is planing to it's return to airwaves. So make your body ready to shake with Spacemusic we always have offered!

Be ready for loud Birthdayparties starting on Spaceshuttle frequencies -That's happends sometime in the middle of October 2014

Thunderstorms, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions on the way! Stay tuned, Spaceshuttle is back!

More info will be announced later here on this web-page!

Please follow happenings on following frequencies: 3900/3905/3927 and 9270/9290.

Best greetings- May God Bless You (and us),
Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle

Radio Spaceshuttle taking part to Pirate Contest! (Monday 07/04/2014):

Strange, but last weekend of Radio Spaceshuttle is very near. We shall have few transmissions during weekend of April 2014. Most sure are transmissions during Friday evening. All transmissions will be aired on 76 mb frequencies.

We moved time of taking our antennas down because of Pirate Contest organized By Norrköpings distanslyssnare starting 11th April. So listeners will have a little change to hear last programes from Radio Spaceshuttle! We promise to have some special content in our last tarnsmissions! I wish you will like'em. Each transmissions will last 0,5-1 hour.

And Special Pirate Contest/ Last Radio Spaceshuttle transmission QSL have been designed and is available for everyone sending correct reception reports from our tx. Please send your reports to,

Radio Spaceshuttle International
P.O.Box 2702
The Netherlands

"NDL has for several years been thinking about a DX listener contest – and now is the time.

The contest begins Friday April 11, 2014 at. 1200 UTC and ends on Monday, April 21, 2014 at. 2400 UTC. Frequencies: short and medium wave

Listen to as many pirate stations as possible. Send reports and count the responses received.

The competition is primarily designed for the Scandinavian countries, but also participants from other countries are welcome. For the Nordic participants apply the competition as SM and NM, individually and in teams.

Easter is one of those times of year that pirate radio transmissions are most intense.

Here are rules and more information:

A warm welcome

FINAL TRANSMISSION of Radio Spaceshuttle! (Sunday 23/02/2014):

Hello friends everywhere,

Radio Spaceshuttle's last transmission ended today at 11:55 UT. Carrier dropped down 11:56 UT

Radio Spaceshuttle thanks all listeners and radiostations taking part to this last transmission. Even thought it was sad to end this action-it was so fun to note having so many friends all over The Blue Planet!

Radio Spaceshuttle is silent on radiowaves now. But as our last song told- "We shall meet again some sunny day"

All reception reports of our LAST FINAL transmissions are still very welcome!

Please use our email-address or send your report to our mail box:

Radio Spaceshuttle International
P.O.Box 2702
The Netherlands

Best greetings- May God Bless You (and us),
Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle

FINAL TRANSMISSION of Radio Spaceshuttle! (Wednesday 19/02/2014):

Hello friends everywhere,

We have sad news to tell you dear listeners! Radio Spaceshuttle is making last programes to be aired in near future. We shall use one of our 76 mb frequencies 3900/ 3905 or 3927 kHz to these transmissions.

We do not know yet times or dates of these transmissions- It might be only one or two different sessions in the end of February or start of March 2014. We would like to have few hours to be aired but that is absolutly not sure.

After these transmissions we shall take our antenna masts and antennas down and do not really know shall we ever return to airwaves :(

We shall put our equipments to good warehouse waiting for better times (if there ever are such).

Radio Spaceshuttle wish as many listeners as possible to try our frequencies during The Final Countdown. Please try direct or with any remote receiver to catch us! We like to receive your tapes, music wishes or memories of short history of Radio Spaceshuttle. Send your audiofiles and other material as soon as possible to our e-mail : . Or send link to your audio source, please.

Many thanks all dear listeners! It has been so fun....

Good Bye, this is Radio Spaceshuttle's call for our LAST FINAL transmissions!

Please use our email-address or send your report to our mail box:

Radio Spaceshuttle International
P.O.Box 2702
The Netherlands

Best greetings- May God Bless You (and us),
Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle

Radio Spaceshuttle's situation today! (Friday 31/01/2014):

Hello friends everywhere,

Radio Spaceshuttle has returned to it's roots. So our transmitting power for today is only 20 watts max. -most time running some 5 to 10 watts. And that's all we can offer with AM-mode. So we can not use opportunities that SSB-mode might gives for better prapagation :( -If you are lucky enough to catch our weak signal then it is really time to send your reception report to us!

Please use our email-address or send your report to our mail box:

Radio Spaceshuttle International
P.O.Box 2702
Herten The Netherlands

You can try Radio Spaceshuttle's signal on following frequencies: 3905 kHz /3900/3927/4025. We are really glad for any responce and will verify all correct reception reports with our magnificant QSL-cards!

Best greetings- May God Bless You (and us),
Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle

YEAR 2013:

Radio Spaceshuttle News (Monday 04/11/2013):

Radio Spaceshuttle has already repaired first antennas. First ready was our 48mb antenna. We did test it on Saturday 2nd of November and antenna seemed to work nicely! But BIG PROBLEMS we faced was with our bigger transmitter which did not work at all. Seems that it has went seriously broken with few transmissions earlier this year with a broken antenna. (:

So we are forced to use our little Low Power transmitters in future. That means also changes to our frequency plan published earlier.

Frequencies and transmitting power plan of Radio Spaceshuttle valid from 2nd of November 2013:

76mb (3900/3905/3927/4020 kHz] with 60 watts max. power. Antenna still under construction [Ready Thursday 7th of November??)

48mb (6205/6210/6220/6260/6270/6305/6310 kHz)with 60 watts max. power. (Ready for use 1st Nov. 2013)

31mb (9270/9290 kHz)with 20 watts max. power. Antenna still under construction. (Ready in the beginning of December?)

25mb (12265 kHz)with 20 watts max. power. (Ready in the beginning of December?)

More info shall be sent after antenna works are done and time for more testing starts.

Best greetings,

Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle

Radio Spaceshuttle News (Wednesday 30/10/2013):

Hello friends everywhere,

We had a pleasure to meet one of our listeners in Limassol Cyprus some time ago. It was a great honour to give our QSLs, T-shirt, Cap and few other items to you Mr Costa Constantinides living near the town Limassol.

Costa has succeeded to hear our HF frequencies few times there in the port of Near East. Very many thanks for your reports again. Hope you can hear us many times in future aswell. Many thanks for your hospitality during my visit! And best wishes to your family.

I shall add a photo of Costa to my Listeners Corner -this wednesdey evening.

Radio Spaceshuttle continues silent time on shortwaves perhaps a week or two from this. We have already planned our new antennas. But building them and antenna masts will take quite much time. I wish we are ready for next tests in the beginning or middle of November. Hoping everything going well...

We are hoping to have antennas for 48 mb (6200-6310 kHz), 31mb (9270-9290 kHz), 25mb (around 12265 kHz) and 19mb (15800-15900 kHz). More info shall be sent after antenna works are done and time for testing starts (in first half of November, we wish)

Best greetings,
Dick of Radio Spaceshuttle

Photos 4th August 2013:
Few poor quality photos from Radio Spaceshuttle studio.

Simple studio of Radio Spaceshuttle- luckily we have no DJ's at work ;)

We play CDs and vinyls- little part of our cd-collection

Some transmitters and other radio equipments of Radio Spaceshuttle

Radio Spaceshuttle World Service on air today (Saturday 18/05/2013):

Hello friends everywhere,

We have already started on 15880 kHz (USB) our tests for today.
I wish many of yours can hear us.
Please send your reports to e-mail address.
Some SSTV-tests as well (few times during transmission- Scottie1 mode)

Best Saturday day to you,


The Breakfast Show 28th April 2013:

Hello, we had to cut our transmission yesterday a bit too early because station was just rised up in Westen USA- California (got 1 message from there and was listened by "web-rx" from Europe as well.

So plan for today is to be on air from 14:00 to 15:30 UTC on 15880 kHz USB-modeFirst half an hour "Scandinavian Music Special" for Scandinavian listerners in area. After that normal "Breakfast Show"

Hope we can do it today. All messages to our E-mail to RSI (Click) are very wanted right during transmission as well!

Happy Sunday day!


Radio Spaceshuttle

Spaceshuttle on air 9th March 2013:

9th of March on frequency 15880 kHz USB/(AM) RADIO SABRINA TX having stations as:
-Radio Rainbow at 08 and 12 UTC
-HotRadio 09 and 13 UTC
-Artem's World Music 10 and 14 UTC
-Radio Spaceshuttle-CoolAM 11 UTC
Best peacemusic and Sabrina sounds- have fun :)

9 de marzo en frecuencia kHz 15880 USB/(AM) SABRINA RADIO TX tener estaciones como:
-Radio Rainbow 08 y 12 UTC
-HotRadio 09 y 13 UTC
-Mundo música del Artem 10 y 14 UTC
-Radio Spaceshuttle-CoolAM 11 UTC

Mejor musica di pace y Sabrina sonidos - divertirse :)

9 марта на частоте 15880 кГц USB/(AM) радио Сабрина TX Имея станции:
-Радио Радуга на 08 и 12 UTC
-HotRadio 09 и 13 UTC
-Артем мировой музыки 10 и 14 UTC
-Радио Spaceshuttle-CoolAM 11 UTC

Лучший mузыка мира и Сабрина звуки - получайте удовольствие:)

9. März auf Frequenz 15880 kHz USB/(AM) RADIO SABRINA TX Stationen als habend:
-Radio Rainbow/Regenbogen am 08 und 12 UTC
-HotRadio 09 und 13 UTC
-Artem World Music 10 und 14 UTC
-Radio Spaceshuttle-CoolAM 11 UTC

Am besten viel Frieden Musik und Sabrina Klänge - Spaß :)

9 maart op het frequentie 15880 kHz USB/(AM) RADIO SABRINA TX met de volgende stations als:
-Radio Rainbow op 08 en 12 UTC
-HotRadio 09 en 13 UTC
-Artem wereld muziek 10 en 14 UTC
-Radio Spaceshuttle-CoolAM 11 UTC

Beste vrede muziek en Sabrina geluiden - veel plezier :)

YEAR 2012:

Radio Spaceshuttle TESTS of High Frequencies this weekend 19th to 21st October.

Dear friends, Radio Spaceshuttle will be on 19 mb 15.8 MHz area this weekend from Friday evening to Saturday evening. Each of our transmissions will be very short (perhaps 15 minute to 30 minutes long), But hoping to have many of them. So, main frequency will be 15880 kHz (AM and LSB), but operating area might vary from 15.770 up to 15.880 kHz range.

Testing time from Friday evening 21 UTC to 6 UTC Saturday. And daytime on Saturday 9-13 UTC (several short tests).

Please, send reception reports for these tests, if audible! Thank you!

Radio Spaceshuttle transmission 5th May 2012 on 15880 kHz:
Following listeners sent reception reports of this transmission. All these reports has been found to be correct. QSL's will be send later.

Jaroslav Slavik, Czech Republic
Costa Constantinides, Limassol, Cyprus
Kenji Takahashi, Kochi, Japan
Sei-ichi Hasegawa, Nagoya, Japan
Walter Salmaniw, Victoria BC, Canada
Don Jensen, Kenosha WI, USA
Dave Kenny, Caversham, UK
Timm Breyel, Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Real great catch!!
Masayuki Baba, Kurume, Japan
Bruce Portzer, Seattle WA, USA
Hisashi Hasumi, Kawasaki, Japan
Taka, Yokohama, Japan
Munetsugu Matsushita, Osaka, Japan

Thank you all for great reports!

Happy Listening!

Results of transmissions of 25th of March (first tests) 31st of March-1st of April and 21st of April:
Radio Spaceshuttle International had long transmissions 31st March- 1st of April on 15845 and 15840 kHz usb and 21st of April on 15843 kHz usb. First tests on 15845 we had on Sunday 25th of March. We used power of 200 watts and reached listeners reports from New Zealand, Japan, India, Uzbekistan, several locations in Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Austria, United Kingdom, Ireland, Italia, Spain, France, Greece, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Brazil, Canada and USA.
We are happy for very good results! Listeners names has been now added here. Also QSL's shall be sent to listeners. E-mail-QSLs for anyone sent e-mail reports. And printed QSL's to those who has reported us via Herten box.

Thanks for listening and reporting Radio Spaceshuttle. Stay tuned...

25th March 2012 15845 USB
Nobuaki Takahashi, Japan, Tokyo
Rick Random,Finland, Raisio
Shukrat Rakhmatollaev, Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Vitaliy Lisovskiy, Ukraine, Kharkiv
Wizard Radio, UK
Chris Smolinski, USA, Westminister, MD
Alokesh Gupta, India, New Delhi

31st March 2012 15845 USB/ AM
Vitaliy Lisovskiy, Ukraine, Kharkiv
Bryan Clark, New Zealand, Mangawhai
Kristoff, Poland, Warsaw
Patric Robik, Austria, Leibnitz
Alexandr Golovikhin, Russia, Togliatti
Rick Random, Finland, Raisio
Божанов Олег, Russia, Приморский край
Anatolij Prokopopich, Ukraine, Grebinka
Alexandr Kostiukevich, Ukraine, Kiev
Jörg-Clemens Hoffmann, Germany, Aalsbach-Hähnlein
Munetsugu Matsushita, Japan, Osaka
Shukrat Rakhmatollaev, Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Zacharias Liangas, Greece, Thessaloniki
Gineste Philippe, France, Mas San Vicens
PJK, Sweden, Kalix
Shinya Hasegawa, Japan, Yokohama
Artur Fernández Llorella, Spain, Malgrat de Mar
Tetsuya Ogawa, Japan, Sapporo
Hajime Mikihara, Japan, Kawasaki
Guy de Louet, France, Saint Agnan sur Erre
Rune Haaland, Norway, Egersund
Pavel Ivanov, Russia, Belgogrod
Peter Witten, Denmark, Aalsborg
Ray Lalleu, France
Alokesh Gupta, India, New Delhi
”Dj Velho”, Brazil, Goiania
Terry Toope, Canada, Newfoundland
Iain Cameron, Scotland, Gourock
Luca Botto Fiora, Italy, Rapallo
John Durham, New Zealand, Tauranga
”SW Dxer”, Bulgaria
John Herkimer, USA, Caledonia, NY
Helfried Ahlheim, Germany, Dresden
Sergey Mitko, Russia, Zernograd
Alexey Plotnikov, Russia, Yoshkar-Ola
Andrew Yoder, USA, Blue Ridge Summit, PA
”Dimbulb”, USA, New Hampshire
Charles Rippel, USA, Chesapeake, VA
”Irish Paul”, Ireland
Kenji Takeuchi, Japan, Nagaoya
Naohira Noda, Japan
Victor, Russia, Saratov

1st of April 2012 ”Radio Idi Amin, Kampala, Uganda”, 15845 USB
Helfried Ahlheim, Germany, Dresden
Vitaliy Lisovskiy, Ukraine, Kharkiv
Masahiro Kobayashi, Japan, Kawaguchi
Vasily Lazarev, Russia, Stavropolsky raion
Shukrat Rakhmatollaev, Uzbekistan, Tashkent
John Durham, New Zealand, Tauranga
Sebastian Graziani, France, La Bohneville sur lton

1st of April 2012, 15840 USB
Vladimir Kovalenko, Russia, Tomsk
Masayuki Baba, Japan, Kurume
Shukrat Rakhmatollaev, Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Gineste Philippe, France, Mas San Vicens
Munetsugu Matsushita, Japan, Osaka
Tetsuya Ogawa, Japan, Sapporo
Helfried Ahlheim, Germany, Dresden
Vitaliy Lisovskiy, Ukraine, Kharkiv
Iain Cameron, Scotland, Gourock

21st of April 2012, VOR Extra, 15843 usb
Marco Hommel, Germany
Sei-Ichi Hasegawa, Japan, Nagaoya
Tetsuya Ogawa, Japan, Sapporo
Yoshi-Yuki Ouhashi, Japan, Souka
Erik Koie, Denmark, Hoite
Koji Usuki, Japan, Tokyo
Toshiki Moro, Japan, Tokyo
Antonio Madrid, Spain, Cerdanyola/Barcelona
Ge Huitebens, Belgium, Beffe
T Wakiyama, Japan, Shimahepef
Alokesh Gupta, India, New Delhi
Terry Toope, Canada, Newfoundland
Glenn Hauser, USA, Enid, OK
Silveri Comez, Spain, Franja
Masahiro Yoshida, Japan, Tonami
Shukrat Rakhmatollaev, Uzbekistan, Tashkent
Walter Salmaniw, Canada, Victoria, BC
Dimitriy Kutuzov, Russia, Ryasan
Alexandr Golovikhin, Russia, Togliatti
Gigi Nadal, Italy, Milan
John Herkimer, USA, Caledonia, NY
Jon Maples, USA, Georgia
Vasily Lazarev, Russia, Stavropolsky raion
Andrea Lawendel, Italy, Milan
Scott Maclean, USA, East Amherst, NY
Bruze Porter, USA, Seattle, WA
Paul Watson, England, south
Naohira Noda, Japan
Vitaliy Lisovskiy, Ukraine, Kharkiv

HF Free Radio Weekend 31.3.-1.4.2012:
Dear Friends, Radio Spaceshuttle shall take part to this happening.
We shall use frequency of 15845 kHz (if recerved or disturbed we shall move to nearest free frequency +/-40 kHz)
31st March 2012 Saturday start 06:00 UTC first usb, 07:00 AM-mode... (Test transmissions between 6-17 UTC-time usb/AM)
1st April 2012 Sunday, 15845 kHz usb/AM 8-16 UTC
Reports and comment to e-mail address. Report for posted QSL-cards to Radio Spaceshuttle International, P.O.Box 2702, 6049ZG Herten, The Netherlands

Happy Listening!

Info 5th March 2012:
Radio Spaceshuttle International continues free radio service on short waves also this year -Jubileum Year -10 years of action!. We are on 48 mb on regular schedule but shall serve the audience also on several other SW-bands as: 76 mb (3905, 3927, 4015 kHz), 41 mb (7375 kHz), 31 mb (9270, 9290 kHz), exctended 25 mb (12265, 12715 kHz), 22 mb (13810 kHz), 19 mb (15810 kHz) and 14 mb (21xxx kHz).Address P.O.Box 2702 6049ZG Herten, The Netherlands waits your reports. Next big action during this month. Wait it's excplosives inside SpaceRockett- yihaaa!!!

YEAR 2011:

Atomkraft Radio 6310 kHz via Radio Spaceshuttle:
Dear Friends, Atomkraftradio had a special informative transmission on 6310 kHz 12th March 2011! More Japan Specials are possible during next days!

"Uraani halkeaa ja tuottaa lamppuun valkeaa---
Mutta millään muilla mailla kuin Suomella---
se ei oo riskiä vailla---
-----Ei mikään vaara meidän kuvioihin mahdu
---jollei sitten Kiinassa---
Suomi-ilmiötä tapahdu---"

Info 8th March 2011:
Most reports came to our Herten Box P.O.Box 2702 has been verified lately- still "few" e-mail reports waits verifications!

Info 29th January 2011 (updated):

European stations SW-tests towards Japan during 29-30th January. Look at more info from Harri Kujala's blog-site: SW-Pirate Blog

Plan for Radio Spaceshuttle-
Saturday 29th Jan: 06:30- 09:30 UTC 12264,2 kHz 50 W AM
Also on 48 mb 06:00-08:00 UTC 6310,3 kHz 200 W AM. Target to Europe.

Sunday 30th Jan: 06:30- 09:30 UTC 12264,2 kHz 50 W AM
Also on 48 mb 06:00-08:00 UTC 6310,3 kHz 200 W AM. Target to Europe.

We have planned to transmit also towards North-America on Sunday 30th Jan as follows:

To North America: Sunday 30th of January
11:00-14:30 UTC 12264,2 kHz 50 W AM.

Updated info will be available on this page during tests!

YEAR 2010:

Info 29th April 2010:
First Spaceshuttle T-Shirts are designed. More models coming in near future...

Info 4th January 2010:
Dear Friends, first at all Happy New Year 2010! We really wish it to come very succesful to all radioactivists. Because of good responce during our first transmission this year yesterday Sunday 3rd of January, we are now willing to have some more programes this week. So please tune to Radio Spaceshuttle frequencies during "Extra Sunday" of 6th January 2010. Our frequencies on 48 mb might be 6205, 6210, 6220, 6265, 6270, 6280, 6305 or 6310 kHz. Transmission times from 7 hours UTC up to late evening (not on all the time anyway).

YEAR 2009:

Info 10th December 2009:
* Our Partner Station CoolAM and CoolTV links has been added here. Please click on their sites and listen to cool radio and TV programs!

Combination programs of CoolAM and Radio Spaceshuttle will be also aired ever since and then. Tune in to Radio Spaceshuttle frequencies.

Radio Spaceshuttle tests it's frequencies also during coming weekend 11 to 13rd December.
48 mb 6210 kHz (alt. 6310, 6305, 6280, 6270, 6265, 6220 and 6205 kHz)
FIRST tests on 76 mb (after a long, long time)on (Friday), Saturday (or Sunday) evenings. on 3925 kHz (or nearby). Alternative frequencies 3900, 3905 or 4025 kHz.
Short tests on 24 mb 12265 kHz possible on Saturday or Sunday morning/day...

Info 9th October 2009:
* Spaceshuttle's 7th Birthday-party!!!!

Tune in to our frequencies of 48 (6210/6305), 31 (9290)and 19 mb (15810 kHz) during coming next two weeks....

Our Special Birthday-party programes will be ran few times there...

Info 14th January 2009:
* First lounch to New Year 2009!:

Radio Spaceshuttle will be on air during weekend 17th and 18th of January as follows:

Saturday 17th January:
08 to 10 UTC NorthEast Europe Sce on 6305 kHz (or nearby if occupited)
10 to 12 UTC Northern Europe Sce on 6305 kHz
08:30 to 10:30 UTC on 9290 kHz Central Europe Sce.

Sunday 18th January:
08:30 to 10:30 UTC on 9290 kHz Central Europe Sce.
10:30 to 12:30 UTC on 12265 kHz TEST for Main Central Europe

Wishing a proper propagation and lots of reports, please!

YEAR 2008:

Info 28th November 2008:
* FIRST middle-winter test schedule for coming weekend:

Tests on frequencies of 5805-5825 kHz or 6300-6312 kHz AND 9270/9290 kHz (Simulcast) 08-12 utc on Saturday 29th of November, .

Tests on 12265 kHz 11-14 utc on Sunday 30th of November

Please e-mail and ask for more detailed testschedule. All responce welcome!

Info 8th October 2008:
* Radio Spaceshuttle International's Official SEXthSpaceBirthdayParty this evening on 48 mb:

from a. 15 hours UTC: 5815, 6305, 6296, 6270, 6260, 6240, 6220 or 6205 kHz.

All propagation observings welcome, specially audiofiles. Tnx, Dick and Spacefolks Army.

Info 2nd July 2008:
* Radio Spaceshuttle International is testing it's North-European propagation with few watts transmissions during next weekend 4 to 6th July:

First tests on Friday evening from 15 up to 23 hours on 48mb: 6235, 6270, 6280, 6302, 6308, 6310 or 6317 kHz. Hoping to be on 6270 kHz, but might change frequency without notice during transmission to a free one!

Later tests might be on 76mb: from 23 utc on ~3927 kHz.

On Saturday and/or Sunday we might be on from 13 utc either on 48 or 41 mb (~7375 kHz)

Info 02nd June 2008:
* Radio Spaceshuttle International's Special "Midsummer Cats going wild" will be aired on Sunday 15th of June as follows:

5815 kHz from 06 to 10 UTC
5815 kHz from 19 to 23 UTC

We shall play hottests Summercat music for your fun and for every tastes, letterbox (17th February transmission post)... surprices, contests (with nice prices) etc....

Stay tuned "The Sound of MidSummerLand"

Info 17th February 2008:
* Radio Spaceshuttle will launch a huge a. 4 hours session Sunday 17th February. We are going to transmit on a brand new frequency 48 mb 5815 kHz via WMR-site in Karup Denmark with power of 7 kW. Transmission times are 10-14 and 20-24 UTC. Programs are "Launch of Spaceshuttle" including stories of Radio Spaceshuttle International adventures , Spaceshuttle landing to "Rocking Venus". Young, wild and free... (but perhaps stupid...), "Space Voyage with Golden Oldies" including messages to our listeners and Partytime in "SpaceDisco" ....that's more than HOT!!! All reports are welcome to our address (WITH 2 Euros/ 2US-dollars for fullinfo SPECIAL QSL-card): Radio Spaceshuttle Int., P.O.Box 2702, 6049 ZG Herten, The Netherlands.

YEAR 2007:

Info 2nd October 2007:
* As part of our 5 years jubileum We like to transmit during eveningtime on wednesday 3rd October 2007.... maybe around 14utc on 31 mb.... on 9290 kHz.... Yeah! If you like to take part, please tune in and mail all your comments to our e-mail now and all time during transmission! Yours in love, Dick of Space.....

Info 12th May 2007:
* Radio Spaceshuttle had a special real lowpower test with 2 Watts only this evening a. 16 hours UTC on 31 mb 9290 kHz LSB. This test seemed to be quite successful beceuse reception with nice signal has receiverd at least in Finland, Sweden, Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium. Thank you all for your reports! Any other reports are welcome to our Herten Box 2702, of cource.

YEAR 2006:

Info 7th December 2006:
* A huge long tests on 9290 kHz from 5th December until 6th December 2006. Starting around 20 UTC and final close down 18:10 UTC. Quite bad conditions---> --->

Still getting few nice messages to be heart for example in Belgium and UK. Thanks for reports all listeners...